More Data for Field Ops. Less Work to Get It.
Allow your Midstream & Pipeline operations to see into the future and quickly recall historical data with a technology providing unrivaled insights into your vendors and construction management teams. Insight coming directly to you, vs. you searching and retrieving it manually.
Go from fragmented data communication to streamlined intelligence.
RigCallOut delivers complex, fragmented supply chain data simply in one place. Big Data that is valuable to the field, operations, accounting, supply chain, IT, data scientists, and all the vendors that support your company.
Give streamlined intelligence to your stakeholders across the country and allow them to view your project data in real-time. Reduce service provider fragmentation.
Locate shipments anywhere, anytime.
Receive real-time ETA's.
Reduce NPT and downtime for ancillary services such as lifts, inspectors, welding crews and construction crews.
Expose the actual cause of a problem and who is responsible.
Get agility to adjust and redeploy assets and personnel as needed.
Intuitive dashboard gives you quick data visualization for individual shipments or an entire project – with custom branded icons!
Prevent Overbilling with FieldView®
Rig CallOut tracks people in and out of location – forklift operators, vacuum lift operators, pushers, hourly personnel.
Hold contractors, techs, and employees accountable for time on the job site.
External API connects you to data for real-time visibility.
Get accountability & statistical validation with data insight on actual vendor performance.
Use real-time field data however you want, whenever when you want.
Reduce your GPS costs.
Rig CallOut Provides Unparalleled Value for:
ESG Initiatives.
Preventative Maintenance & Service Techs.
Field techs.
PVF deliveries & product traceability.
Compressor deliveries.
Skid shipments.
With Rig CallOut your team can see a late delivery hours, or even days before it happens.
Arm your field personnel with the only technology capable of real-time updates allowing them to make proactive decisions in the field without wasting valuable time on the phone waiting for information.